friends cut.
[ view my userinfo ] I can't be online as often as I used to. I think most of you have picked up on that already. And if I chose to reduce my flist of 1/3 today, it's because I am aware I am a horrible friend to some of you. Now, this cut is not at all personal and I haven't removed you because I don't like you. In fact, the decision to go through with this cut was painfully difficult, especially since I'm letting go of some amazing people here. It's not at all that we don't talk, most of us do. I am not closing the door on any of you. Once I find more stability in my life, I may go back and friend you again. Who knows, I might even lurk on your journal now and then ;)
I'm sorry it had to come to that, but I've thought about it long enough and I think it was the right (read: smart) thing to do. In that vein, I'm leaving comments enabled (though screened) so you can pour your heart out to me. Well, yeah.