I took this survey from Rox.

Apr 10, 2005 16:27

Nickname you wish people would call you: Some people call me Rooster and I like that nickname.. but I would feel really lame TRYING to get someone to call me something. Like Napster on the Italian Job (the newer one)
Job that would be pretty damn neat to have: Running shoe tester. Or Krispy Kreme Doughnut tester. I guess those two are kind of opposite ends of the spectrum.
Person whose phone number you wish you had: Michael Moore's. I'd tell him he was fat! Okay not really. I don't need anyone's digits at the moment.
Most embarrassing fashion mistake you’ve ever made: Being fat! Totally non-flattering!!!
Worst judgment call you’ve made in awhile: I said someone's mom was an idiot. I know, really mature right?
Vanity item you can’t live without: The Army has taught me I an live without any vanity item.
Longest handwritten letter you’ve ever written: Probably like.. 4 pages, both sides, and part of another page. But that's cause she wrote me like a 15-page letter. I felt I owed her something. If it happened now though I'd probably like.. hide. I don't like writing letters much.
Friend who lives the furthest away: Cat and Rox and the other folks in California are all pretty much on the other side of the globe, so..
Color that looks best on you: Black or blue probably. Black makes me look more lean but blue brings out my irrisistable eyes. I can hypnotize [[give me money]] people.
Thing you wished everyone on your friends list loved as much as you do: America! Jesus! Firefly! Barq's Root Beer!
Ever been to a convention of some kind: I.. don't think so.
Which would be a cooler skill, knitting scarves or weaving baskets?: Depends.. can the baskets be woven... underwater?
Who would win in a physical fight, Brian Molko or Ville Valo?: I.. don't know who these people are.
Band everyone seems to like except you: Puddle of Mudd. But I like "She Fuckin' Hates Me."
Most you’ve ever paid for a single item of clothing or pair of shoes: I've payed $100-ish for pants and shoes before.. nothing much more than that I don't think. Though I plan to get a gray Hugo Boss suit when I redeploy back home. So that'll probably win.
Coolest type of hat: Cabby hats are cool!
Your favorite gay celebrity: Alan Cummings is pretty good.
Dumbest book ‘required’ for school: Whatever book I used in Introduction to Computers.
Childhood hangout: My room. I wasn't that social.
Favorite accessory: Guys don't wear a lot of accessories. I guess sunglasses.. brightness drives me crazy.
Nightly ritual: Turn off TV. Draw curtain. Go to bed. I've already showered and done everything else by this point, so..
Best scent: Girls. I don't know what the hell you female-types do to yourselves, but girls smell super! Although sometimes they smell too strongly.. or just bad. Usually girls smell good.
Tastiest ingredient in the spice rack: Cinnamon probably.
Weirdest food you love: Oatmeal with vanilla ice cream on top.
Can you use chopsticks?: Sure! Rice is kinda tricky. And sticky rice does NOT stick to my chopsticks!!!
What’s the strangest movie you’ve seen in awhile?: John Carpenters Vampires. I didn't really like it at all.
Is glitter fabulous or annoying?: Mostly annoying. Kinda like Easter string.
Best thing you’ve ever gotten from eBay or the flea market/thrift shops?: Couldn't say, I've gotten lots of stuff. I can find a decent suit for $1.50.
Current annoyance: I'm in Iraq. What a drag.
Someone you’d love to have lunch with: Cat!
Sexiest commercial/ad you’ve seen recently?: Uh.. haven't really.
Funniest quote from a movie you can remember offhand: "I'm kind of a non-practicing Jew." "Oh really? I'm a non-practicing virgin!"
Piercing you wish you could get: I have no desire to get a piercing at this time.
Quick, make up a great plot for a new porn film!: This girl walks up to this big strong guy in the gym and says "I bet my trainer I could pick up the biggest dumbbell in the gym on my first day." and then they go to the steam room and make the place live up to its name. Pretty good huh? It's like its a gift. Its like I can't control it.
Do you watch anime?: A little.
Have you ever made a Star Wars in-joke or tried to do a Jedi mind trick on a non-Star Wars fan?: ..maybe.
What kind of undies do you wear?: Boxers, though Under Armous boxer-briefs are also quite awesome. Friction control, wicking material, and decent crotch space!
Oddest thing in your wallet/purse: Pog currency.. little cardboard circles that take the place of change over here.
If you started a band, what would its name be?: The Oneders.
Would you ever buy a whole roll of bubble-wrap just to sit and pop it?: No.
Would you do something sexual with a scuzzy person at a venue to get backstage to meet an act you loved?: No.. not that many people would, would they?
Which is weirder, eating packets of ketchup by themselves or putting ketchup on eggs?: Eating the packets of ketchup by themselves. Ketchup is a commonly accepted dressing for omlettes.
Have you ever been too lazy to find silverware, so you eat yogurt/pudding with just your tongue?: Noooo, you roll the aluminum lid and use it as a spoon. Careful not to slice your tongue!
Do you run out of the house if a car has an accident within earshot?: I might here, but not normally, no.
Favorite stand-up comedian: Couldn't say. I was just recently listening to Larry the Cable Guy though and he is super funny.
Song you want played at your funeral: Amazing Grace on bagpipes! ..I don't really care actually. I'll be dead. Whatever my family wants.
Do you have any allergies?: Seasonal ones.
Cartoon/video-game character you most want to have sexual relations with: There are some sexy ones, but I still have to answer this question with "none/NA".
Board game you kick ass at: Chinese Checkers
Do those little breath-strip dissolving things freak you out?: Nah.
Ever almost died because of a really gooey cheesestick?: Um.. what?
Ever walked into a glass door?: Yes, but not because I didn't see it there!
What food could you consume a whole bag/box of in one sitting?: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts... if I didn't have self-control. But I do.
Do you ever test out a whole bunch of perfumes at once on yourself in a store?: Colognes? No.
Ever fucked with a telemarketer or Jehovah’s Witness’s head?: Maybe just a little. But it's not nice, so you shouldn't do that.
Do you have callused feet or soft ones?: Callused most of the time.
Any weird physical abnormalities?: Just my abnormally large muscles!! ..just kidding. (got your tickets?)
Lollipops or bubblegum?: Gum.
If you can whistle, do you do it by blowing out or sucking in?: Both! That way you can continue to whistle without ever stopping!
Do you think left-handed people deserve handicapped status in the USA?: What? No! Who the hell had that idea?
If you were going to murder someone and knew that no matter what, you couldn’t be caught, what method would you choose?: I could never murder someone.
Weirdest pet-love-name you’ve been called?: I don't think I've been called anything super weird. Just like.. pookie and huggie bear.
Favorite breakfast food: BANANA
Lamest t-shirt you’ve ever read: "Got your tickets? (to the gun show)"...but I loved it.

What you believe in
1. Love at first sight?: No.
2. Aliens?: Perhaps.
3. Bigfoot?: Perhaps
4. The Loch Ness Monster?: Perhaps (but not really)
5. Yourself?: When I warrant it!
6. Heaven?: Yes
7. Hell?: Yes
8. Reincarnation?: I won't rule it out absolutely and completely, but no.
9. Time Travel?: No. But time-viewing perhaps.
10. Evolution?: No. (I <3 Science too.)
11. Crop Circles?: Maybe. I know a lot of them are fake, but I haven't wasted enough of my own time to find out if they're all accounted for.
12. Big-Bang theory?: No.
13. We came from apes?: In most cases, no. :-p
14. Science can solve anything? No, but it can solve lots of things.

- Current Clothes: DCU's
- Current Music: Elvis. It's the only thing I have at the office right now.
- Current Make-up: N/A
- Current Hair: A short high-and-tight (military haircut).. so I don't have to take care of it while I'm here.
- Current thing I ought to be doing: Digitally sending an Officer evaluation report so the guy who submitted it can have a copy. Aren't you glad you asked?
- Current Desktop Picture: NIPRNET (non-secure internet routing protocol), Unclassified, multi-national force/multi-national corps and other uninteresting text. And the coalition crest.
- Current Favorite Artist: Any kind of art? I'm not sure..
- Current Favorite Group: That foundation that trains monkeys to do stuff for blind people!
- Current Book: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Life, the Universe, and Everything.
- Current CD in CD Player: Elvis #1 hits.
- Current tape in VCR: Tape? HA! DVD is the Ben Stiller Show.
- Current Worry: That something will go wrong with my R&R leave. (not super worried, but it's important, so I worry a little)

- Alltime CD: Toughy! Beatles 1 maybe.
- Shoes: Go go Gadget shoes!!
- Movie: Too hard. Can't answer.
- Song: I'll go with Sway right now.

- Open-minded: I do my best to think things through with and without the light of my own biases. I don't know if I'm what you call conventionally open-minded though. I mean, who is going to say "No, I am NOT open-minded!!!" anyway?
- Interesting: Sometimes.
- Random: YER UGLEH!
- Independent: Mostly.
- Organized: Mostly.
- Emotionally Stable: I think so.
- Attractive: I'm a work in progress.

Your Social Life..
What group are you in at school? N/A
How did you get into that clique? I graduated and joined the Army.
Is there a group you wish you were in? The masons! But only so I can wear that cool ring.
Is there a clique your clique hates? The Judean People's Front. And the Popular Front.
What do you normally do on the weekends? Work, do PT, watch movies.
What do you normally do on school nights? Work nights? watch movies.
Do you go on single dates // group dates? Neither right now. :| But I like single dates better, I think.
What would you do for a first date? The Movies are almost always a good bet. Or maybe something like bowling or rollerskating/blading. Things where you can talk, but don't have to talk the whole time.
Do you go to parties? Not often.
What is your "Label"? "Do not feed parrots to the cracker."

What Would You Do..
If you saw someone shoplift? Laugh or shrug or make a comment to whomever I'm with but not really do anything. It's not my business.
If a loved one died? Mourn?
If a friend lied to you? I'd keep it in mind before trusting them further.
If your GF // BF were cheating on you? Contfront them briefly and then try to move on without them. Oh, and drink beer (lots).
If something really embarrasing happened to you? I'd try to make it into a joke.
If someone insulted you: It depends on the person, the insult, and the situation.
If you found out a teacher at your school was a drug dealer: If it was my old high school I'd tell someone, cause it's a small school and people I know go there. Otherwise I'd probably do nothing.
If you found out someone in your family was stealing stuff from someone else in your family? I'd tell the to stop or their nuts are mine. (Paraphrased.)
If you found out your Dad was on Viagra? Same way I'd react if I found out he took asprin for headaches.
If something really bad happened to sliced your finger off or something else? Go..to.. the hospital? Scream maybe? You'll have to be more specific.
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