[8/17] Ferry Landing; Farewell

Aug 17, 2007 04:06

Saki had packed up all her belongings, preparing to go back home to Japan. This time she would not be coming back. The separation had been just too much for her. The last phone call between her and her parents had them telling her to come home. That they would figure something else out for her schooling. She didn't argue with them. She wanted to see her brother and friends again. Yes, she would miss some of the friends she had managed to make during her short time in Milieux but she just didn't belong there.

It was with a hopeful heart that she made her way to Ferry landing to await the departure of the Ferry that would take her to New Orleans, where she would catch her flight back home. Stood with her umbrella protecting herself and her belongings from the rain while she waited counting the minutes until she would finally be able to go home.

[ooc; Kindly handwave an email telling her few friends and acquiantances of her departure. If anyone would like to say bye to her be my guest. This is officially her last post for the game. <33]

departure, farewell

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