Can I go back to bed please?

Jan 12, 2012 09:05

I didn't sleep well at all last night - I had a horrible 'I Am Legend'-esque zombie apocalypse nightmare. And then of course I come on LJ's homepage and one of the comms of the day is about? You guessed it, zombie apocalypse! Synchronicity? I don't care, I hate zombies.

You may laugh, but few horror movies scare me more than zombies or apocalyptic ones. Put the two together, and I'm terrified. I don't know why. I think it's the scale of it. Most horror movies, they're shit scary, yes, but they're small scale. You're talking a handful of victims, a limited bloodbath. But apocalypse movies, that's our world, you know? That's everyone. There are no limits, there's no comforting 'it's not happening to me'.

The thought of our whole world coming to an end, our civilisation crashing, humanity being eradicated - to me there's nothing more frightening. Because there's no end to it, there's no comeback, there's no resoution when the villain is caught and order restored - because how you come back from an apocalypse?

So yes. Most people love zombie movies. Not I.

zombies, real life: dreams

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