Is it, could it be...?

Jul 29, 2011 06:43

Livejournal! Hooray!

I was having so much fun tweeting, probably because Livejournal's been down and I have to communicate the mindnumbing minutae of my day somehow, that I decided to resurrect my old @denorios account and leave this one as purely professional. So anyone who has followed me up til now, if you could defriend me and follow me @denorios, that'd be great.

Damn, Livejournal's been down a while. It kills me. Every time this happens everyone bleats on about Dreamwidth, and I'm sure it's good, I have an account myself and I use it occasionally - but everyone I know is here. All the communities that I follow are here. I don't want to move.

But LJ, you'd better reimburse me the four days I couldn't get on the site, dammit.

livejournal, social media: twitter

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