Answers to the character meme, part two...

May 08, 2011 12:14

dj_aida asked about Theresa Moreno from Sharpe
* How I feel about this character
I don't really have much of an opinion on Theresa. Maybe because her character turned up so early on in Sharpe and died so quickly, and then seemed to be forgotten so fast. I liked her. She was feisty and badass and seemed a good foil for Sharpe, but there wasn't really much of her to know.

* All the people I ship romantically with this character
Well, I suppose Sharpe. I did like their relationship whilst it lasted. To be honest, I always liked seeing Sharpe with women, because it brought out a quite touching, tender side to his character that you didn't otherwise see.

* My non-romantic OTP for this character
Did Theresa really interact with anyone else? I'm not sure I can answer this one.

* My unpopular opinion about this character
Well, I guess I could say she was wrong not tell Sharpe about his daughter, but given the circumstances and Sharpe's character it was understandable. There's not much else to say on that subject, given that we never hear about the kid ever again!

* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish she hadn't died. It would have been really interesting to see how Sharpe would have coped during the war with Theresa alive and a daughter in his life.

dj_aida asked about Alex Krycek from The X-Files
* How I feel about this character
Ooh, Krycek! I really don't know how I feel about Krycek. He was such a deliciously ambiguous character - and I'm still not really sure which side he was on, in the end. He was such fun to watch, because you never knew where he'd pop up, who he'd be working for, what he'd been doing, what he'd say or how he'd react. You never ever knew where you stood with Krycke.

* All the people I ship romantically with this character
I sort of shipped Mulder/Krycek in a weird, half-hearted, fucked-up way. I mean, there was a frisson between them, such weird tension - all that history of betrayal and anger and confusion, all the things when they both needed the other, again their own better judgment and desires. It was very intense.

* My non-romantic OTP for this character
Not got one. Honest. Whenever I think about Krycek it's always in connection with his relationship with Mulder.

* My unpopular opinion about this character
I think Krycek was in love with Mulder - and hated him for it, sort of the way Spike was about Buffy in the early days of Buffy. If you watch The X-Files with that sort of viewpoint, a lot about Krycek makes a lot more sense: his feelings for Mulder complicating his plots and betrayals and intrigue.

* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish Skinner hadn't killed him! He was too much fun to die.

slavelabour asked about Buck Wilmington from The Magnificent Seven
* How I feel about this character
Buck makes me smile. That's the first thing I think about with Buck. He's such a larger-than-life character, so full of bounce and fun and mischief, he's a joy to watch.

* All the people I ship romantically with this character
Oh, everybody! Buck could have chemistry with a wooden post. I could honestly see Buck in a romantic relationship with anyone - but if I had really had to pin him down to one it would have to be Chris. Personally I think every character on M7 is in love with Chris, to varying extents. Buck and Chris have such a long, involved, complicated relationship - and perhaps more than anyone Buck has seen Chris at his very worst and his very best and still loves him.

* My non-romantic OTP for this character
That would be JD. I love their relationship - it's just a classic big brother/little brother relationship. They tease and bicker and snark, and you rarely see one without the other, and Buck is so cute in the way he teaches JD and guides him on the path to manhood. And when JD is going to leave in 'Achilles', oh Buck is heartbroken.

* My unpopular opinion about this character
He fell in love with Hilda after listening to her sing? Really? That never rang true to me. He seen her, spoken to her, been freaked out by her attentions - but oh, she can sing, so he's in love? I know we're meant to believe he saw her soul through her song or something, but I never bought it. Sorry, Buck.

* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I would have liked to see something develop a bit more between Buck and Inez, because I loved their relationship. I think Buck had the potential to fell head over heels for Inez, mainly because she was so feisty and hard-to-get and strung him along the way she did. They could have had an adorable relationship, and I think Buck would have fallen bigtime if she'd let him.

slavelabour asked about Ezra Standish from The Magnificent Seven
* How I feel about this character
I like Ezra. I don't love him, he's not my favourite character on the show, and I'm under no allusions as to his character - which actually makes me like him more. He is dishonest, he is dishonourable, he's not a saint, he is sneaky and underhand and devious - and I like that! Because he's not a good man, and he knows it and he's never had any great desire to be a good man until he falls in with Chris and Vin and the others, and that's what so good to watch about him.

* All the people I ship romantically with this character
Argh, how to answer this? I don't really ship Ezra with anyone, but if I had to it would be Chris. Or Vin. Or Nathan. See, I can't answer it!

* My non-romantic OTP for this character
Vin, believe it or not. I think Vin and Ezra have a lot more in common than appears on the surface, and the few times we seem them interacting alone without the others around they have a very fun, playful, teasing, almost brotherly relationship. I think Vin enjoys Ezra without expecting anything of him, which I don't think you get from the others. Nathan seems to be expect to be disappointed by Ezra, as does Chris to a certain extent; I'm not sure Buck and JD entirely trust him, even by the end of the show, and they both follow Chris' lead anyway; and Josiah seems to see him as somewhat of an unrepentant sinner - but I think Vin just sees Ezra, for good and bad, and enjoys his company - and I like that.

* My unpopular opinion about this character
Haha, Saint Ezra! Saint Ezra, who can do no wrong and is so misunderstood, and is such a wonderful, honest woobie who is so maligned and mistreated. Where would you like me to start?

* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish Ezra would learn to respect himself and not seek Chris' approval so much. Chris may be the leader of their little band, but he's no god, and Ezra doesn't need his approval. He may want it, but he doesn't need - he's doing just fine on his own.

slavelabour asked about Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica
* How I feel about this character
I'm going to talk about the reboot Starbuck because I've never seen the original. I suspect I wouldn't like it anyway, because Dirk Benedict is an ass. But Girl!Starbuck I adore. I fell in love with Starbuck right from the off, and she remained my favourite character the whole way through the show. I didn't always like what they did with her character, and I didn't like her ending, but I loved Starbuck. She was just so fun to watch - so complex and rich and complicated. She was feisty and kickass and vulnerable and bitchy and selfish and selfless and just a huge mass of contradictions.

* All the people I ship romantically with this character
The Adamas. Both of 'em. Yeah, I know. Lee is the obvious choice, but I found myself reading dirty-wrong Kara/Adama Snr fic one day and loving it.

* My non-romantic OTP for this character
Okay, so ignore the dirty-wrongness of my previous comment. I loved Kara and Adama's relationship - it was so sweet. He really did love her like a daughter, and he was the only father she'd ever known. She tried so hard to impress him, to please him, it was so touching.

* My unpopular opinion about this character
I kinda hated the whole 'angel' thing. I did. I would have been far happier if it had been our Kara all the way through; I didn't like the ambiguity of it, I didn't like the way it ended, I just didn't like it.

* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish she hadn't disappeared at the end of the show. I wish it had been our Kara all the way through, and she had stayed with Lee at the end.

slavelabour asked about Dean Winchester from Supernatural
* How I feel about this character
Dean. Oh Dean. The number of episodes I've found myself sighing 'oh DEAN' because for real, has any character in the history of TV had more shit heaped on him than Dean Winchester? The fact that he's still standing tall, still wise-cracking and kicking ass, just amazes me. Dean is awesome. I love everything about Dean, even the bad stuff - even the way he can be misogynistic, the way he can't always see what's right in front of him and how self-righteous he can be. I just love him.

* All the people I ship romantically with this character
Sam and Castiel. I was a hardcore Sam/Dean shipper and then one day this scruffy angel in a trenchcoat came along and I was like, Sam who? Sorry, Sam. I love you, I do, but it's Cas, you know?

* My non-romantic OTP for this character
So now, non-romantic is Sam. Because whatever else happens in the show, it really is the Epic Love Story of Sam and Dean. The whole show is about Sam and Dean and what they wouldn't do for each other. The monsters and the demons and the mytharc is incidental. It's Sam and Dean, all the way.

* My unpopular opinion about this character
Dean can be incredibly self-righteous. With good reason, I grant you, because the shit he's had to deal with, the things he's had to do, the amount of the weight he's had on his shoulders - if anyone has a right to be, it's Dean. The dude saved the world. He can think what he wants. But he is, and it's unattractive sometimes, and I don't like it.

* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I'd like to see Dean give Cas a break. Because Castiel has not had it easy either, and I don't think Dean always appreciates just what Castiel has done for him, how much he has sacrificed, how much he has changed for Dean. I'm not saying Cas is always right, I think the most recent eps have proved that - but Cas seems to try hard to see things from Dean's POV but Dean doesn't often reciprocate.

slavelabour asked about Sam Winchester from Supernatural
* How I feel about this character
I always see Sam as two different people sometimes - the old (younger) Sam when he still looked up to Dean and was a lot softer and innocent. Sam's been through so much, he's grown and matured and hardened in a way that Dean hasn't. Dean still has his squishy inside and wears his heart on his sleeve; Sam doesn't, not anymore. And I miss that. I loved that old Sam, but I just like the new Sam. And not always all the time.

* All the people I ship romantically with this character
I would have said Dean once upon a time, but now I don't think I ship Sam with anybody.

* My non-romantic OTP for this character
Well, it's the same as Dean, isn't it? If you're non-ship, it has to be Sam for Dean, and Dean for Sam.

* My unpopular opinion about this character
Sam had changed and hardened before he lost his soul. Even before then I think Sam was a lot more ruthless and cold-blooded than Dean. Sam hardened as he grew up, but Dean, sometimes I think Dean has simultaneously always been grown-up and still hasn't grown-up. It's weird, but it means he hasn't changed in the way Sam has.

* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
There's a lot I wish hadn't happened to Sam, but I can't say I'd change any of it. Although I've not been a huge fan of this Sam and his soul storyline, to be honest - I would changed all of that.

memes, ships: sam/dean, ships: adama/kara, tv: supernatural, ships: kara/lee, tv: sharpe, tv: the x-files, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: the magnificent seven, fandom, ships: dean/castiel

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