(no subject)

Nov 10, 2005 22:01

Those bastards! Those complete and utter frickin' bastards! I take back everything good I've ever said about the BBC - they are all, to a man, complete and utter total bastards!

I am, of course, talking about Spooks - although 'talking' is probably too strong a term - I'm almost literally incoherent with shock and rage right now. I just sat in front of the TV, shaking and spluttering. How could they leave it there? How? In God's name, I've got to wait practically an entire year to find out what happens! How could they?

Adam! Adam! I can't...Adam! He can't die, right? He can't. I'm sure Rupert Penry-Jones said he was in next season, he surely didn't just mean as a corpse in the first episode! And Harry! Harry, oh Harry, no, Harry can't get shot again. Not again. Good God, why must this show persist in killing off all of its bloody characters! Are the writers masochists or something?

I cannot believe they did that. I just cannot believe it. There was me rambling on about how they don't tend to do cliffhangers - those bastards! Aaaaaarrrrgggghhh! Look at me! I'm reduced to growls and splutters! Bastards!

And there wasn't even any Harry/Ruth! All that teasing and that stuff in the promo and it was nothing!


actors: rupert penry-jones, ships: harry/ruth, tv: spooks

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