Oh, this is all I need...

Jul 18, 2009 23:17

I may *coughs* have found myself a new ship. And it's not slash! How refreshing. I have so few het ships these days. There was Harry/Ruth, back in the day with Spooks, and I love Mac/Stella in CSI New York, but I can't think of any others. Oh, Adama/Roslin from BSG. And I suppose Kara/Lee too. And Doctor/Rose. And Buffy/Giles. And er, Josh/Donna. And Mal/Inara. Okay, there are more than a few, but only one current ship.

Oh wait, Gibbs/Abby. And Morgan/Garcia. And Sam/Foyle, although does that count as current? It's sort of in-between at the moment. I don't know. Okay, maybe there's more than I thought.

Anyway, now I can add Lightman/Foster from Lie To Me to that list. Oh dear.

ships, ships: lightman/foster, tv: lie to me

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