
May 12, 2009 10:43

*breathes a deep sigh of relief*

The House/Cuddy hookup didn't actually happen. Thank God for that. Normal service is resumed. Except...I guess the Huddy fans (and have I ever mentioned how much I loathe all the portmanteau shippers names?) are fuming right now? Fuming and then taking solace in the fact that if House was imagining it he clearly wants it to happen?

I don't know. I'm just glad it didn't happen, because to be honest, I like Cuddy and she deserves better than House. And I say this with love.

And Hugh Laurie...damn. He is amazing. I still wonder where he was hiding this talent all those years. That scene at the end where he walks into Wilson's office with Cuddy - damn. You hear people talk about someone looking haunted - that right there is the look they mean. And the final scene with House walking into the psychiatric hospital and looking back at Wilson? Oh my heart.

actors: hugh laurie, tv: house

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