
May 05, 2009 11:28

I'm deliberately not commenting on the thing that everyone else is commenting on. Actually, that's a lie, because by saying I'm not commenting I am in fact commenting. But the House/Cuddy? Not a fan. Never have been, never will. Not because I'm a House/Wilson girl, because I know that's never going to happen. But House/Cuddy is just not healthy. House isn't good for anyone, and I really don't see how being in a relationship with Cuddy is good for House. And it's not something I want to watch.

What I wanted to comment on was Hugh Laurie's performance. He was amazing in this episode. There are times when I'm still blown away by just how good an actor he is. So many years he was the funny guy with the rubber face, you know? And I still wonder what changed to make him want to act like this. Because those scenes with Cuddy in the living room and the bathroom when he's detoxing, he was amazing. Major kudos, Hugh. Those scenes were so real, in a way that so much on this show isn't.

But still ick on the House/Cuddy. This is not Grey's Anatomy, people! Do we have to go there?

actors: hugh laurie, tv: house

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