I have been remiss in my fannishness...

Dec 29, 2008 14:30

DW: The Next Doctor
So for all my misgivings, because I am not an especial fan of David Morrissey, I kinda loved Jackson. I wish he was the next Doctor. He was great. And I loved his outfit. Reminded me of Eight.

*sighs* I miss Eight. It was nice to see some acknowledgement in the series that he existed, in the little lightshow of all the past Doctors. I'm still holding out hope that we'll see Eight again one day.

And the Doctor went and broke my heart a little at the end there, with his line about his companions leaving him or forgetting him. Donna... I miss Donna so much. I still hatehateHATE her ending. I hope they bring Donna back one of these days, because she deserved so much better than that.

Top Gear Vietnam special
I ♥ those those three overgrown schoolboys so much. I giggled my way through that show from start to finish.

James' colander helmet! Richard's galleon! Richard's pink bike! Jeremy's Wossy outfit! James' Darcy Bussell statue! James and Richard's absolute glee at the prospect of biking through Vietnam! Richard with his face in James' crotch! The amphibious bikes! Richard's swan's neck! James falling into the water!

I can haz next seriez nao, plz?

And in other news, I have succeeded in getting a friend from home hooked on NCIS, so he has been round every evening and we are watching our way through S1. It's quite strange revisiting some of these episodes. Especially the pilot. Ducky and Tony are more or less the same, but Gibbs and most particularly Abby are quite different. Or perhaps different is the wrong word - they're still recognisably Gibbs and Abby, but it's like the characters haven't quite been finalised. Which they wouldn't have been, it being the pilot!

Gibbs is much more mellow in the pilot and actually appears to have a grasp of popular culture. The Gibbs we come to know and love would never have seen Air Force One. And Abby is like a more mature, muted Abby. She's not as giddy and silly and childlike as she normally is. Her clothes aren't as outrageous either. And even her voice is different - a bit deeper and huskier. It's kinda weird.

tv: doctor who, real life: friends, tv: ncis, tv: top gear

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