Hahaha, go Donna's Mum! Except, why does she have an axe in her boot?
I love Donna's granddad so much.
Why does the annoying little brainiac want to kill everyone on the planet? Was he bullied at school or something?
Hey, WOAH! That was Rose! On the screen! What the...?
Oh yeah, he was bullied as a child. What a brat. *yawns* Someone shoot him, please.
Oh no, Ross! I liked him! Awww...
The Brigadier! What's he doing in Peru?
Oh man, stop crying, you big baby. He really is a contemptible waste of brainpower, isn't he?
"Are you my mummy?" HAHAHAHAHAHA!
What the smeg is that? Oh right, the Master's ship. Cool.
Yay, it's about time the humans starting kicking some arse.
"If you're calling him dad you're definitely getting over him." LOL!
Surely that much fire would use up a lot of oxygen, wouldn't it? I mean, a layer of flame over the entire earth? Wouldn't that eat up a lot of oxygen?
Oh please. Why do they do this? We know the Doctor's not going to die, so what's the point of going through this rigmarole all the bloody time.
Oh, get on with it, Doctor! Oh, good for you, whiny brainiac.
Hahaha, I love that Martha hugs him and Donna hits him. LOL!
I really do love Grandpa. Can't the Doctor take him along too?
The Doctor's daughter. Is her name Mary Sue by any chance?