Cue excitement...

Jan 05, 2008 09:34

I'm off to Birmingham today for a day of shopping and Starbucks with my lovely friend Michelle, crowned off by a trip to the panto to see the delectable John Barrowman! Yay! Can't wait.

Can you tell I'm excited?

And still no iPod. *pouts* Amazon, dammit, wo ist mein iPod? Grrr.

And it just occured to me that now that my brother's moved out - okay, he moved out a few months ago, but I'm slow when it comes to these things - I no longer have access to the complete Discworld book collection! Eeek! I only own a copy of Mort, and that's because it was one of our set texts for English at school - for the record, I had the best English teacher EVER. We studied Pterry! In school! RAWKS. Anyhoo, I'm going to need to buy them, aren't I? Because I must have them.

theatre: panto, computing: apple, books: discworld, shopping, actors: john barrowman

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