Scary stuff happening in London at the moment...

Mar 22, 2017 15:53

Very sketchy news at the moment, but it sounds like a police offer has been stabbed, his assailant has been shot, and a car has rammed a number of pedestrians on Westminster Bridge. Don't know at the moment if it was the same man or two separate incidents.

I just dread the reaction of the right to this. I'm sure Trump will start 'I told you so'ing and use this as an excuse for even more abhorrent treatment of Muslims, even before we know who perpetrated this attack. Could have been a disgruntled Brexiteer for all we know, or just someone experiencing a psychotic break!

I just hope the casualties are minimal. So far the only confirmed dead, I think, is the guy with the knife/machete who stabbed the police officer.


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