Maybe still a teeny bit of sanity left in this country...

Nov 03, 2016 14:46

BBC News: Brexit court defeat for UK government

Bravo for the High Court. Now let's hope all our MPs grow a pair and vote 'no' to this epic impending clusterfuck by declining to invoke Article 50. Slim chance, but you never know!

news, politics: britain

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Comments 5

1_rhiannon_1 November 3 2016, 15:28:12 UTC
Good luck! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!


howlin_wolf_66 November 3 2016, 15:53:40 UTC
*fingers crossed*, nevertheless! :-)


queenofpeace November 3 2016, 16:49:29 UTC
I'm not holding out much hope, but I'm crossing everything!


author_by_night November 3 2016, 17:22:03 UTC
Oh, I hope so, for your sake.


brunettepet November 3 2016, 19:07:55 UTC
Well, that's a bit of good news.


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