I want to go to the beach...

Jul 26, 2016 12:49

I've been having beach cravings all day, I don't know why.

The thing is, I don't even really like going to the beach. Given a choice between chilling and sunbathing by a pool or at the beach, I'll pick the pool every time. I don't like hot sand or the way the sand gets everywhere or drying salt water on my skin and I hate the sensation of brushing dry sand off my feet, it's like nails down a chalkboard for me. And I don't like swimming in the sea either - saltwater in the mouth and eyes, gack - and I don't like not being able to see what's swimming around my legs.

Basically, I don't really like the beach. And yet...

And when I say 'beach', I'm not talking about a British beach either. Cold sand, cold seawater, cold air, tacky 'kiss me quick' seaside resorts, mean seagulls, screaming children, the endless background noises of slot machines and arcades, the smell of vinegar and stale beer. I'm really selling this, aren't I?

I think basically I just want to be in Florida right now. Maybe that's it.

real life: travel

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