I need closer friends...

Jul 15, 2016 10:27

One of the things I miss most about university life (and damn, that's receding further every year) is just...hanging out. You know? Just spending a day chilling, vegging on the sofa, watching movies, talking. I miss that.

None of my friends live close enough to just hang out - meeting up is always something that has to be planned weeks in advance for a day or a weekend, so we usually feel we have to make the most of it - go somewhere, do something, eat out. And now I'm at the age where people have commitments - partners, kids, pets, jobs - so spending a day not doing anything specifically is too much of a luxury, a waste of time, can't be justified.

I don't have that many friends where I live - work friends, mostly, and we'll go for for drinks after work or out for lunch sometimes, but not close enough to just spend a day together chilling. And I really miss that kind of laid back friendship.

real life: friends

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