Some small consolation...

Jul 07, 2016 17:05

So our next Prime Minister is going to be a woman - either Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom. That's something, at least. Of course, they're both Evil Tories, so it's not much of a consolation, but it's a victory for women, so I'll take it. Of the two I'd rather Theresa May - at least she was a Remain supporter ( Read more... )

politics: feminism, politics: britain

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Comments 13

shapinglight July 7 2016, 16:51:43 UTC
Judging by some of the Leave supporters I've come across in the last week or so, I would imagine that if they'd known this whole upset would leave them with a female PM they might have voted differently! That gives me a small glow of schadenfreude amidst my general despair.

Really? How amusing. Did they think that a Leave vote was going to send all the little girlies scurrying back to the kitchen or something?

I'd prefer May as well, if only because she has some actual experience of government, and hasn't, as far as we know, bigged up her CV to boost her candidacy.


author_by_night July 7 2016, 17:28:26 UTC
Given the worldwide outcry and the economic downfall, I'm actually surprised Leave people are saying anything.


dancingdragon3 July 7 2016, 18:04:52 UTC
That is something, and ironic that many leave supporters wouldn't want a woman. But Thatcher was certainly hard core, so they shouldn't worry, I'd think.

Take care.


angel_vixen July 7 2016, 18:57:35 UTC
I overheard someone saying the other day something similar: being in the EU really upset gender roles, and "forced" women into leaving home and going to work in order to help their husbands support the family. But now May or Leadsom will be in charge, and well, they just had absolutely nothing good to say to that.

I chose to keep quiet, since they were very obviously spoiling to pick an argument with someone, but I said a great many things to them in my head.


denorios July 8 2016, 07:47:24 UTC
Rude things, I hope.


angel_vixen July 8 2016, 19:45:05 UTC
Very rude things, yes.


snogged July 7 2016, 22:08:21 UTC
A female prime minister sounds like it has potential. I hope Theresa May gets it.


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