Only England could get dumped out of Europe twice in a week...

Jun 28, 2016 17:23

So we have an utterly divided country, a lame duck Prime Minister, a leaderless Conservative party, a Labour party in full meltdown, the pound is crashing, our credit has been downgraded, everyone in Europe hates us, we're facing the breakup of the Union, England are out of the Euros, the England manager has quit, the weather is shit, and David ( Read more... )

football: england, politics: britain

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Comments 9

shapinglight June 28 2016, 16:40:45 UTC
Racking my brains. Sorry. Nope.

Actually, scratch that. One thing: that other passengers on a tram in Manchester where one man was being horribly racially abused by two young men told them they were a 'disgrace.'

ETA: Un-scratch that again. As my daughter, who has been crying in my arms this evening, pointed out to me, no one said anything to these two boys until they got off the tram. They all just tried to pretend it wasn't happening.


howlin_wolf_66 June 28 2016, 17:03:22 UTC
I got nothin'... :-(


tsarina June 28 2016, 17:32:44 UTC
John Boyega exists.


trepkos June 28 2016, 17:46:08 UTC
Parliament might vote against leaving the EU - we will just have lost an enormous amount of face, which we've pretty much done anyway.


i_love_freddie June 28 2016, 18:50:28 UTC


Nope, I've got nothing.


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