It's a brave new world...

Jun 24, 2016 07:05

...and we're all fucked.

I' shock. And crushed. I really didn't think this would happen. I was worried as fuck about it, but I never genuinely believed so many people could be so stupid, so short-sighted and blinkered and negative and selfish about our country's future.

But hey, as low as you go, people can always fucking surprise you.

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politics: america, politics: britain

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Comments 10

seraphina_snape June 24 2016, 06:10:00 UTC
I just heard the result on the radio on my way to work and promptly spent the first ten minutes reading up on news reports. I still can't quite believe it. This is going to change so much for Europe.


azurina June 24 2016, 07:12:55 UTC
I admit, until the last week or so, I wasn't following it too closely because well. . . I really had more faith in people.

I wish we could promise not to elect Trump, but you're talking about people who blame Obama for the Katrina relief disaster


sherrilina June 24 2016, 11:17:05 UTC
I knowwws ugh I stayed up late for the results and so now I am exhausted and depressed.

I sure as hell hope not either. It's less likely (given how badly he polls, and the fact that it's an electoral college with winner takes all--so like, in this scenario London would contribute no leave votes), but I do worry that if our economy tanks because of this that it could help him (although if our economy hurts because of Brexit, which he supported, I would hope that people would see that as evidence of hisnlack of judgment.

It is a sad day though.


brunettepet June 24 2016, 12:13:40 UTC
I wish I could promise we won't elect Trump but obviously people are stupid and reactionary everywhere in the world. Ugh. What a disaster.


snogged June 24 2016, 12:17:54 UTC
As a citizen of the US, I have no plans to vote Trump. He's awful. He's so awful.


Sorry to hear about the Brexit decision.


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