So, Hillary v Trump, huh?

Jun 07, 2016 08:52

Don't get me wrong, I like Bernie Sanders and I freely acknowledge he's more liberal than Hillary. An ideal world, I'd love a female candidate as liberal as he is. But I think Hillary has a better shot of winning, probably because she's not quite as liberal. And dammit, Trump cannot win. I'm hoping I have no Trump supporters on my flist - and if I do, how?

Besides, I like seeing history in the making. The first woman nominee. The first woman President? What a time to alive it would, to see the first female President follow the first African-American President.

In the meantime, this country is just lurching about all over the place, and this EU referendum? I'm a Remain vote, all the way. I don't like the tone the debate has been taking; I can't help but feel too much of the impetus for this referendum and leaving the EU is about the refugee crisis and wanting to take back control of our borders; I think the whole things smacks of nationalism, however much people clothe it in terms of 'sovereignty' and 'independence'. And quite frankly, Europe's history shows that we're better off together than all pulling apart. I think anything that knits us closer together is better in the long-run, than us pulling further apart off the coast, making out like we're special somehow, just because we don't share a land border.

Because the prospect of President Trump and Britain leaving the EU just makes me shudder for the future...

So, in more cheerful news, come sign up for my candy swap circle!

politics: america, politics: britain

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