Light on the fannishness...

May 31, 2016 10:46

It occurs to me that some of you may have followed or friended me on the basis of shared fandom interests, and yet from my entries in the last months (even years) that's somewhat thin on the ground here. I can't remember the last time I wrote an episode reaction post or flailed over something that happened or waxed rhapsodically about a ship or a character.

And that's not to say that I'm not still doing all of those things, but somehow the enthusiasm has been...muted...over the last few years. I certainly don't feel quite as fannish about shows these days as I used to. When I think about how much I once adored Doctor Who or Torchwood, or got ridiculously caught up in Battlestar Galactica or NCIS - it's hard to recapture that now. I had an intense flurry a few years back when I fell heads over heels for The Magnificent Seven, but since then...

Part of me wonders if it's me, or it's the general quietness in fandom terms of Livejournal these days. When you're surrounded by other people squealing and flailing over something you love, it heightens your own enthusiasm. It's self-fulfilling. You get excited because other people are excited, and your excitement fuels other people's, and so on. But fandom seems to have dispersed to other platforms now, and I've stuck here with Livejournal. I wonder if it's something to do with that.

I miss those feelings. I miss the days when my flist was full of people reacting to something that had happened, or speculating about what might happen, or wishing something would happen, and writing fics and creating art and posting in comms. I miss that sense of community. I think it's gone from Livejournal, by and large, and that makes me sad. And muted.

thoughts, fandom

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