I was idly browsing this post on
'10 Of The Most Heartbreaking Moments In TV History' - if only because I'm a sucker for lists, and this one has Anya's speech from Buffy's 'The Body', which always got me crying.
I can think of a baker's dozens of moments that aren't on that list but should be - so it got me thinking - what are the moments in TV history that made you cry the most, maybe still make you cry?
Me? Ianto's death in Torchwood - still not over that. And Rose and Ten's goodbye (the first one, when they're in separate universes, and he's burning up a sun to say goodbye) in Doctor Who - urgh, that was full on dry heaving, runny nose, cannot breathe sobbing. I can probably think of a few more - I'm the kind of person who rarely cries in real life but cries a river over fictional characters on a TV or movie screen.