All my friends are way too grown-up...

Jan 08, 2016 09:21

It seems like everyone around me is, well, grown-up. Two of my friends are getting married in March, another one has just got engaged, one friend had a baby yesterday, another is being induced today, another is due in April, another's wife is due in the summer... My Facebook feed is getting so boring.

This growing-up thing sucks. And I can't quite decide if I want any of those things, if I actually want a relationship and marriage and kids, or if I feel like I don't but I ought to, or if there's something wrong with me because I don't have them and everyone else does. Or if perhaps I'm stuck in some kind of arrested development phase and by the time I actually grow up and out of it it'll be too late to start thinking about marriage and kids...

Being a grown-up is very confusing. I'd like to stop now, please.

real life: friends, real life: relationships

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