I miss horse riding...

Nov 18, 2015 10:59

I don't know why I suddenly thought of that today. But I miss riding. And I miss horses. I miss that lovely warm horsey smell, and the smell of oats and hay and horse sweat and leather and saddle soap...

I was your quite typical pony-mad child, and I learned to ride very young. I had my own pony and I rode all through my teens - it was only really when I went to university that I stopped riding, as I didn't have the time or the money or opportunity to do it. And then, you know, real life and adulthood and all that shit happened, and I've never gone back to it.

Maybe I should. I just miss it so much. It's probably been fifteen years since I last sat on a horse, and I'm sure my balance and posture would be rubbish now, and I'd probably be so much more afraid of falling off or being thrown that I was a kid. But I miss horses...

animals, real life

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