Historical hang overs...

May 07, 2015 13:46

I didn't realise that members of the House of Lords couldn't vote in general elections. I mean, I understand the historical reasoning - the Lords don't need to vote for someone to represent their views in Parliament since they can represent themselves.

But surely the same principle applies to MPs then? They vote in their own constituencies, so they're effectively voting for themselves (I'd be very surprised if any MP didn't vote for himself!) so of course they're adequately represented in Parliament. But MPs can vote in general elections, even though they're voting for themselves and their party and therefore are self-interested, whereas Lords, who aren't elected, don't represent parties and also can't bring a bill to the floor since legislation can only originate in the Commons, are disenfranchised.

Ah well, whilst the Lords might be disenfranchised, I am not. I have done my civic duty, I have duly participated in the democratic process. I was at the polling station for just after 7am this morning, and they were already queuing up. Bit disappointed they don't give out free 'I Voted' lollipops and stickers, but I suppose you can't have everything. *pouts*

politics: britain

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