Can I go back to bed, please?

Mar 10, 2015 08:37

I hate it when you wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed. These days I seem to wake up every morning and just ache all over. I don't know if it's my mattress or my pillows or my posture or what, but ugh. Ache. All over. And I get so hot in the night, my body is cold but my face feels like it's on fire.

It doesn't help that Bandit has become my without-fail alarm clock - every morning between 4am and 4.30am he's waking me up, wanting to be let out. Every morning. And some mornings I find it impossible to get back to sleep again, knowing that I'll be up again in just two hours.

I feel like I need a week off, somewhere warm, where I can just sleep in until whenever, get up and just potter about, lie in the sun, relax in a hammock, swim, eat. No cats, no work, no hassle. I just need a break.

whining, animals: pets

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