Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday

Feb 24, 2015 14:51

1. Lately? Get woken up at 4.30am by a cat pestering to be let out.

2. Check Livejournal, Facebook, Twitter, email etc.

3. Check Amazon Vine to see if there's anything new in my freebie queue.

4. Walk. Duh, everyone does that, but I have a goal of 20,000 steps a day, and most days I'm there and over. I walk a lot. I walked to Mordor and back last year!

5. Count calories. *sighs* I've lost six stone over the last four years, and I still want to lose another 20 pounds or so.

6. Browse publishers' websites, mailing lists, catalogues for potential new titles to purchase for my subject areas - Law, Criminology, History and American Studies.

7. Moan about the cost of books, ebooks, journal subscriptions versus my deplorable budgets to my colleagues.

8. Read on my Kindle. I am never without a book on the go, often more than one. I honest to God go cold turkey if I go more than a few hours between finishing one book and starting another - I get restless, grouchy, irritable, I snap at people, I can't sit still, I fidget and fuss.

9. Receive unending love, affection and petting from my kitties, who give me food in return. Wait, no. Scratch that, reverse it.

Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you're addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can't live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won't forget
Day 8 - Three words you can't go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

memes, random facts

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