seraphina_snape asked: 'what fandom(s) do you think you'll always love, even ten/twenty/thirty years down the road?'
This is actually a difficult one for me to answer. I know what I'd like to say, the fandoms I'd like to think I'll still love years down the road. But I also know that I'm a bit of a fandom magpie and it's very rare for me to stay exceptionally loyal as time goes by. I'm not saying I stop liking particular fandoms, just that the fannish obsession tends to die down. I know for a fact that in ten or twenty years how I feel about, say, Hawaii Five-0 or NCIS or Doctor Who will be very different to how I feel right now.
That said, there are some loves that I know will stay with me, either beside they're more smouldering and long-lasting than flashes in the pan, or because I've loved them so hard and they've had such a deep impact on me that I'll always look back fondly. The West Wing for definite. I can rewatch that show endlessly; it's one of the few I can honestly say I've ever gone back and re-watched in its entirety. Star Trek, in all its various incarnations. The X-Files. Doctor Who. The Magnificent Seven.
I'm not sure whether to add Lord of the Rings to this list. I've never been involved in the LotR fandom in the way I have with the others I've mentioned. I love the movies, dear Lord, do I love the movies, but for some reason that's never tipped over into any kind of fandom involvement. But I know I will always love those movies, for what they are and what they represent to me, a particular time in my life, a circle of friends.
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