The Union survives!

Sep 19, 2014 08:38

I've not really talked much about the Scottish independence referendum - it's been a pretty fraught topic all round, for people on both sides of the issues, and I didn't really want to get into any potential arguments here in my LJ. Politics always tend to bring out the worst in people anyway, and the Scottish-English relationship has always been...shall we say 'difficult'?

That said, I'm glad it was a 'No' vote in the end, however close it may have been. There are just so many ties between Scotland and the rest of the UK - political, financial, military, yes, but historical, cultural, emotional as well - and it would be sad to see all that come to an end. We have so much more that binds us that divides us, but sadly those seem to be the things utterly taken for granted.

I just hope all those who voted 'Yes' can accept the result, and that it doesn't lead to further friction and discontent than already exists. It has been a pretty nasty campaign all round, with manipulation, intimidation tactics, and accusations of disloyalty and lack of national feelings. Given how close it was, there'll be a lot of very dissatisfied people out there in Scotland today...

news, politics: britain

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