Sunrise was at 4.41am this morning...

Jun 23, 2014 08:29

Trust me. I was there.

You know how some mornings something wakes you up long before your alarm and you just roll over and go back to sleep? And some mornings something wakes you and you're awake and you just know there'll be no going back to sleep. Today was one of those mornings.

I'm not complaining, mind. Well, another two hours of sleep would have been nice, I'll admit, but I'm a morning person anyway and I'm usually up for half five or six in the summer, so this wasn't insanely early to me. I got up and fed the cats and went for a four-mile walk and it was lovely.

I love the quality of the early morning and late evening light in the summer - it has that wonderful golden/pink tinge to it and it somehow has depth and thickness. You can almost see the warmth.

And then I came home and found Bandit waiting for me with breakfast prepared. A dead shrew. Delightful.

seasons: summer, animals: pets

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