"We need you to hope again."

May 24, 2014 15:04

Well, that was the mother of all Reset Buttons! I loved the clips of Star Trek in Hank's study - it seemed very appropriate since Star Trek pretty much owns the market on reset plotlines.

That was such a fun movie! I don't think I loved it as much as First Class - epic action usually always sacrifices the quieter character moments that I love - but it was still great. Seeing it now, I can understand why some of the characters didn't make the final cut, although I'm still sad we didn't see more of Rogue. But there was just so much happening! I loved the sequence with Quicksilver when they were breaking Erik out of the Pentagon - the way he leisurely sauntered around, adjusting a fist here, an elbow there, and then bam, all the guards take themselves out - loved it!

At first I was all, Erik killed JFK? Nooooo! I'm a bit of a conspiracy buff, and I didn't quite like the idea of Erik being the assassination, although explaining the Magic Bullet with Erik's powers was nifty. But ha, then the idea that Erik was trying to save JFK because he was a mutant too? Haha! Wonder what his power was then? Charisma?

I'm not entirely sure some of the plot makes sense - having Jean and Cyclops and everyone happy and alive at the end of the movie, does that imply that nothing in any of the previous X-Men movies happened? No Alkali Lake, no Phoenix? I don't quite see how that's possible, how stopping the Sentinels being created would have stopped any of that? Certainly not Jean's storyline, since the whole Phoenix power/dark side thing was always inside of her. (At least in the movie-verse, I know in the comics the Phoenix is actually an alien possession thing).

But ehh, let's face it, you try and examine any superhero movie plot too closely, none of them exactly hold up to the cold light of logic!

Not as much slashy goodness in this movie, alas - but then I guess there wouldn't be. Too much damage, too much water under the bridge - but there was at least that lovely emotional scene on the plane where Erik apologised and then got all angsty, where they accused one another of abandoning the other. I'm curious as to what happened between Charles and Erik in the 50 years between where we last see them and when Logan wakes up back in the future. Obviously everything we think we know about the X-Men history is different now - where is Erik in the future? Where is Mystique? What has happened since 1973?

Or is that something for the next movie? And speaking of, is that going to have something to do with Stryker and Mystique? I'm not sure I quite got where that final scene in 1973 was going - with the Coast Guard fishing Logan out of the river and Mystique being there in the guise of Stryker. Obviously back in the future Logan doesn't get all growly, so we don't know if he still has the adamantium skeleton, or if something changed there. If Stryker never gets his hands on him, then presumably the plot of the first three X-Men goes out of the window too.

And one final thought, I loved Charles' callback to the scene in the previous movie in my icon. It cracked me up! If you can only have one 'fuck' per PG-13 movie, make it a good use!

movies: x-men

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