Why isn't everyone flailing about Person of Interest?

Apr 30, 2014 20:40

Seriously, it seems to be flying under the radar mostly (how ironic), and yet somewhere along the way this daft show about a reclusive billionaire computer genius and his badass billowy-black-coat-of-manpain sidekick saving people based on numbers spat out by a semi-sentient computer surveillance system, has turned into one of the most relevant, insightful and smartest shows out there.

Not to mention the plethora of seriously awesome female characters who often run rings around the men - show me a show with more awesome women than Carter, Root, Shaw, Zoe, and... Well, I defy you to show me one.

And yet where's the flailing and the sobbing and the squee? This show is killing me this season. Each episode lately could work as a season finale, and then the next one rolls around and they keep raising the stakes. Killing me.

tv: person of interest

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