Jan 31, 2014 09:05
I'm in the mood for a good old-fashioned ghost story - does anyone have any recommendations? Not so much out-and-out horror, but more the kind of old-fashioned, slow-build story that gives you goosebumps and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
I've read books like The Haunting of Hill House, The Woman in Black and The Turn of the Screw - those are the kind I'm thinking of. I'd prefer more recent ones I may have missed, but I'm open to some of the classics!
The one caveat is that I'm incredibly picky about the quality of writing when it comes to fiction, which is why I read very little fiction these days. I like lush prose, beautiful imagery, poetry in prose. Quite often the wordier the better for me. There's a reason I adore Pat Conroy's books. So if it's all 'he said/she said' I'll probably hate it, however good the plot is. To me plot is very much secondary to the writing itself.
books: recs,