Let me just leave this here...

Jan 13, 2014 08:48

Yep, I think that about sums it up right now.

Wow. Damn. That just blew me away. Utterly.

Mary, OMG! I think we'd largely seen coming that there was something big reveal with Mary, but I did not see that coming. When she shot Sherlock I about shrieked and the cats bolted from the room in terror. That whole sequence in Sherlock's head was amazing, and when he flatlined on the operating table and then came back because John was in danger, when Sherlock willed himself back to life to save John...? *flaps* OMG, John, you may never know how much you are loved.

In fact, I love that John is really the impetus behind this whole episode, Mary's love for John impelling her to try and destroy Magnusson, and Sherlock's love for John bringing him back to life, doing everything he does to save and protect John, his 'pressure point'. Oh John Watson, you lucky lucky man.

I love how well both Sherlock and Mary know John, that they can see that he loves the danger and the risk, that he does get off on it, that it is what he lives for. That he's not and never was just an ordinary man, with his humdrum ordinary life, who was knocked off kilter by Sherlock. John was looking for people like Mary and Sherlock his whole life, and they both see that, even if he doesn't.

And Mycroft, oh Mycroft. Mycroft has always been a character I've never felt much for one way or the other, but when he said to Sherlock that losing him would break his heart - such deep emotion coming from something like Mycroft is so moving, and when you saw Little Boy Sherlock standing on the terrace outside Magnusson's house, you really see through Mycroft's eyes, and that Mycroft will always always see Sherlock as his lost little brother. Oh. My heart.

That was just an amazing 90 minutes of television. Magnusson was about the creepiest, most repulsive screen villain I think I've ever seen. My skin just crawled every time he was onscreen. *shudders* And then the end! The reveal! Moriarty! How? Why? How? What? HOW?

I love how we've come full circle - we ended last season wondering how Sherlock faked his own death, and now we're left wondering if and how Moriarty faked his. I guess no-one died on that rooftop after all!

Argh, damn you, BBC, you enjoy this. How long are we supposed to wait now?

tv: sherlock

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