Cue one squished kitty...

May 19, 2013 20:19

I tend to perch on the edge of chairs, rather than sit back in them. Particularly when I'm sat at a computer. Partly because I'm short and my arms aren't so long, and I have to have my chair scooched all the way up to the desk in order to reach my keyboard comfortably, and then I tend to knock my boobs on the edge of the desk. Yeah, I know, awkward visuals. I'm just setting the scene here.

So anyway, I perch on the edge of my chair, and Bandit likes to come and lie behind me, between my back and the chair back. And every so often I forget that he's there and lean back. Cue a somewhat indignant squawk and claws in my back as he not-so-gently reminds me of his presence.

I just thought I'd let you know the pain I have to endure in order to remain active on the internet.

animals: pets

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