You know, considering I was kinda sceptical when it started...

May 18, 2013 17:34

I'm just gonna throw this out there. I fucking love Elementary.

And I love Sherlock too.

I was pretty dubious about Elementary when it started, because, let's face it, whatever else it may have turned into - like a damn fantastic show, for one - there's no way when the network first announced it, it was anything other than an attempt to cash in on the current Sherlock popularity.

And when I first started watching, I found it easier to just discount the whole Holmes/Watson angle completely and view them as completely new characters who just happen to share names with a famous detecting team. But now we've come to the end of the season, and whatever doubts, apprehensions or concerns I ever had...? Utterly blown away. I'm utterly blown away.

What an amazing, amazing show. Johnny Lee Miller's face manages to break me at least twice an episode, and Lucy Liu as Watson is just the most wondrous, fierce, smart woman on TV. I love her so much. And I love how there's no UST in this show; this is a man and woman who can absolutely be friends and partners with nothing else getting in the way, and my God, that is so refreshing to see.

But mainly? Watson. Joan Watson, my friends.

tv: sherlock, tv: elementary

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