So Margaret Thatcher died...

Apr 08, 2013 14:46

The general consensus seems to 'good riddance'. I confess, I'm very uncomfortable with that. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of being pleased at the death of anyone - particularly when it comes from people who talk about the damage she did to this or that, or the lack of care she had for this group or that group - and yet those very same people rejoicing at her death aren't starving, aren't unemployed, aren't dead. All the more so when we're talking about people raised on Thatcher hate, who weren't personally affected by anything she said or did, and are just spouting the same hatred and vitriol as their parents.

Perhaps it's because I'm too young to really remember her time as Prime Minister. I wasn't born when she became Prime Minister and I was only seven when she left. But I just can't imagine wanting to dance on the grave of anyone, particularly not a political leader. I may not agree with decisions made by politicians, but I know that you can't please everyone, and sometimes hard decisions have to be made for the good of the country that probably will disadvantage some groups. That's unavoidable, particularly when you take into account what a dismal state Britain was in at the end of the 70s.

The level of abuse aimed at Margaret Thatcher makes me very uncomfortable, particularly because I can't help but feel that there's an element of sexism there. If a male Prime Minister had done half the things she did, I don't think there would be the same amount of anger and hatred. You don't see it levelled at any other political leader, of our time or any other - and I can't believe that Margaret Thatcher was the worst, or meanest or hardest Prime Minister we've ever had.

news, politics: britain

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