F1 is back!

Mar 17, 2013 15:56

I umm'ed and ahh'ed about getting up in time to watch the Grand Prix this morning, since it's in Melbourne and was therefore on at 6am our time. And 6am on a Sunday morning is just obscene.

But then I'd had Indian takeaway the evening before, ate way too much and was up pretty much all night with a stomach ache, so it turns out I was awake at 6am anyway. And 5am. And 4am. And 3am. But that's by the by.


I was pleased Raikkonen won. I've always liked him, and it's nice to see a team other than the usual Red Bull/McLaren/Ferrari triumvirate win.

Of course, if it had to be anyone outside of those three I would have preferred a Mercedes with Lewis Hamilton at the wheel, but you can't have everything. I think fifth was pretty good for Lewis, considering it's the first season for him at Mercedes, new car, new team, new crew - and let's face it, Mercedes is not up there with Red Bull/McLaren/Ferrari.

That said, I cannot help but confess to no small amount of schadenfreude to see McLaren struggling for pace and for Lewis to finish a good few places above Button and Perez, after out-qualifying them too. I can't help it. I'm only human.

health: medical, sport: formula 1, food and drink

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