Do I look like a fucking Twilight fan?

Nov 21, 2012 10:46

etacanis and I went to the cinema to see Skyfall last night. The guy at the ticket counter assumed we wanted tickets for Twilight. I was mortally offended. Seriously, do I look like a Twilight fan? I hope to God not!

In his defence, he did say that so far that evening almost every woman/girl who came in had been going to see Twilight and every guy was either going to see Skyfall or being reluctantly dragged to Twilight.

I weep for my sex. Women of the world, you are your own worst enemy, I swear. I may have to hibernate when that Fifty Shades of Dross movie comes out, just in case someone mistakes me for a fan. Murder may ensue, and that would really screw up my weekend.

A Twilight fan. *shudders*

I'm kinda jonesing for Bond/M fic now, but not sexytimes fic. I'm sorry but the mental image of Daniel Craig and Judi Dench going at it is not one I want in my head. I adore Judi Dench, but...she's a national treasure. National treasures don't have sex. They're just dignified and awesome.

I want, I don't know, fic with strained affection, tension and betrayal, forgiveness, fondness, respect, regret. All lovely complicated emotions. Because I don't think M loves Bond, but she definitely has a soft spot for him; and Bond definitely has some mother issues going on with M, since I think he sees her as Mother, Mother England and Boss all rolled into one.

books: twilight, actors: daniel craig, movies: james bond

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