Damn, America, you had us worried for a while there. Obviously leaving the country was not an option for me if Mitt won, since I didn't live in America to begin with - but I was seriously eyeing Mars as an alternative.
But no fear! Sanity emerged triumphant. You hesitated at the final brink and decided not to take the plunge into madness and Republican bigotry. Hell, even
George W. Bush voted for Obama. Accidentally, it's true, but we'd expect nothing less from him, would we?
I applaud you and congratulate you, America.
And it wasn't just Obama...
♥ the number of female Senators is at an all-time high
♥ New Hampshire elected the first all-female delegation (governor, two Representatives and two Senators - all women)
♥ marriage equality measures passed in Maine, Maryland and Hampshire by popular vote
♥ Colorado legalised marijuana
♥ Tammy Baldwin became the first openly lesbian Senator
♥ her House seat was won by Mark Pocan, who kissed his husband on live TV
♥ Senators Mourdock and Akin, who think rape is fine and dandy, were booted out of office.
Damn. Phew. It was close for a while there though, wasn't it?