How is this relevant?

Sep 21, 2012 15:52

Man charged with killing lesbian PC and her colleague

She wasn't killed because she was gay. They were responding to a burglary report; I don't think he stopped to find out her sexual orientation before he opened fire. She was killed because she was a police officer; her sexual orientation is entirely incidental, and I'm surprised at Pink News for making it a headline issue. If this was a mainstream newspaper publishing an article that was purely drawing attention to her sexuality without any relevance to the case at hand, people would complain, surely?

I mean, there are no companion headlines saying 'Man charged with killing straight PC and her colleague', are there? Because being straight is a non-issue, right? It's not relevant to the case, it's not why she was killed, it isn't an issue at all. So why specifically mention one's sexual orientation and not the other? She was a person and a woman and a police officer. End of.

news, politics: gay pride

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