MWF Seeking BFF - Rachel Bertsche

Apr 12, 2012 09:32

MWF Seeking BFF: My Yearlong Search for a New Best Friend - Rachel Bertsche

Pages: 368

I identified with this book to an almost embarrassing degree, as I suspect do a lot of women who read it. It's tough to make new friends, and it seems harder the older you get. It seems so easy when you're young; you catch another kid's eye in the playground or on the beach or in the park, and within minutes you're friends. At school and later at university so much of life is geared towards the social aspect; it's almost impossible to go through those experiences without making friends.

I've recently moved back home after a few years away, and I'll admit it, I'm lonely. I've lost touch with a lot of friends who live here, and a lot of others have moved away. I went to boarding school so I never really knew that many people in the immediate environment anyway. And now I've come home and I'm lonely. And this book I think has really inspired me to get out there and try and make those connections, instead of waiting for friendships to magically drop into my lap. As Rachel argues in this book, we don't judge people who go out and actively find dates, who speed-date or online-date. Actively looking for love is socially acceptable - why should actively looking for friendship be any different?

And I think she's right, most people are flattered when you show interest in them. Very few people would turn down an offer of friendship. It's just a matter of being the first to reach out. So dammit, that's what I plan to do. Starting today, I'm going to get back in touch with some of the friends I've lost touch with and make plans to meet up. Who knows what might happen after that?

As an aside, this was the first book I read on my Kindle. And you know what? I loved it! All this time I've been bitching about ebooks, who knew? It's so light and easy to read, and it's so useful to just pick it up and jump straight in where I left off. I think I read this faster on my Kindle than I would have done had I been reading it in paperback. Eeep. I almost feel guilty, like I'm forsaking the paperback side of the force.

books: kindle, book reviews: non-fiction

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