So, the band went to Germany and Switzerland on tour. Here's the highlights as I see them and in no particular order:
1. Erny saying "Nigga, you gay!" to everyone the entire trip.
2. Jared's drunk back-bends
3. Telling AWFUL (and if I'm saying they're awful, you now they are) jokes to Germans with guilty consciences.
4. The Swiss Alps
5. Being fed home cooked vegan food at pretty much every single venue.
6. Having every venue (almost) hook us up with a place to sleep.
7. The stewardesses (even, as Ernie called him, the "male stewardess") on the flight from Frankfurt to London treat us like rockstars. "Is there anything else I can get you...drinkwise?"
8. Learning how to be creepy in yet another language.
9. Playing in front of hundreds of kids while opening for Hot Water Music.
10. Getting to stand just off stage left while Hot Water Music played and watching literally a thousand kids that barely know English sing EVERY SINGLE word.
11. Primrose Hill in London.
12. The 8 days I wasn't sick.
13. Turkish Falafel
14. Getting home.
15. Erny saying "Nigga, you gay!" while the male stewardess was leaning over him. Then, bumping said stewardess and apologizing for the bump. But me misunderstanding the apology and thinking that Erny was apologizing for saying "Nigga, you gay!" I'm still laughing about it.
I'm sure there were more highlights. But that's just the ones I can remember right now.
I'll be coming home to Arkansas on July 3rd. I think I'm going to Amtrak it down. The tickets are really cheap right now and it'd be a really cool way to see the country.
Click here:
http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=thinkerthought&p=r If you want to see the videos from tour. There are some up now with many more to come over time.