Ten of Cups

Jul 31, 2009 13:37

Hi Kiddos. Yesterday at work during my downtime, I thought more about The Lovers from yesterday. And it wasn't really anything more than what I wrote here, but it was nice to keep mulling it over and thinking about it. Even went so far as to think about inverted meanings of the card and that was quite enjoyable actually.

I feel like I need to actually do some readings for people. People not Emma (my roommate). Just to get a better feel for it. Maybe I can convince Evan (other roommate). *shrug*

Today's card, as you can already tell, is the ten of cups. Cups is a suit connected with emotions, spirituality, the heart, etc. Usually it's associated with water and the feminine aspect. Needless to say, generally not something I'm usually drawn too. And by that I mean, cups show up all the fucking time when I do my own readings, so even though I'm not connected to them, I guess they have a lot to offer me. Haha. Oh, you silly tarot and your lesson-giving.

My ten of cups...is just weird. The card-art is of a Japanese woman in a kimono (mainly black with a red obi and gold embroidery) doing what almost appears to be a tea ceremony (there are 10 cups in front of her). But they look a lot like western glasses instead of sake cups or tea cups. *shrug* There's a leafless tree in the background, a full moon, and a raven between the two. Honestly, is Japanese culture and symbolism going to show up everywhere? To me, this does not appear to be a happy card...

Yet, it is. From my book to the website I like, the 10 of cups is about the culmination of happiness. The lasting kind. The kind you've worked for. And that makes sense since the 10th card of any suit is generally a sort of culmination while the ace lays out the path and the court cards are more...personified than the rest of the suit. But...I guess more than anything, in the card itself, is a sense of calmness. But... I guess this is me being me, the image doesn't evoke the sense of long lasting happiness or love or honor or anything to me. I see this Japanese scene and think (and feel): "Oh, this is so beautiful because I'm sure, shortly, Godzilla will destroy them all." Thank you Buddhist aesthetics.

The presence of the full moon in the background is slightly unnerving simply cuz... yeah. It's more cups symbolism and/or/but I'm just wary of it.

I think when this card comes up in a reading, I'm going to describe it as more of a lasting calm instead of speaking of "happiness". It just doesn't seem to fit the card itself. And while this is the end of cups (kind of) it doesn't mean that other cups can't happen. The main warning is to not waste this period of calm/happiness and that warning can be applied regardless of what I'm actually saying the card is doing. Or something. ^^;

Well, I'm gonna head out, think about this more today, and see what else I come up. Join me again tomorrow. Same time, same place, different channel. じゃまた。


P.S. The Ten of Cups and The Lovers share a lot of meanings. While The Lovers is a bit more temporal, their "in the moment" attitude is very similar to the last calm/peace/harmony of the Ten of Cups. Sites are telling me they are reinforcing cards for each other. So... Yeah, very interesting. What are my cards trying to tell me? Who knows. Just have to keep doing more daily readings. It might not be a message per se, but maybe I just need to dwell on the energy and intention. I wonder if I'll get a similar card tomorrow. *shrug*


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