Aug 21, 2007 21:05
Long time no post here, but seriously, I had to do it. This is strictly a writing thing. I've been taking too many classes. It's paralyzing my brain. I've been reading tripe, and that's a killer. It just makes you angry. And the idea of critiquing it, well, it's hard. I should be nice, not all of the stories are bad. They're all well written in fact. But I don't care about the characters. But the one I'm reading now...well, you bet I care about this gal. I want to know what happens to her next, I wonder how she feels about what's happening to her now, and when she drops an inch of her guard, I smile with joy.
That's writing character.
However, instead of being filled with joy, I'm somewhat jealous. This woman (the writer) has released her thoughts and let this character live, while still giving me a story.
Damn, this storytelling stuff is tough.
That's all.
Yours truly,
Denny S. Bryce
denny's day