Not a lot has happened on the body-shaping front lately. I've been to the gym a few times in the last fortnight, and just tried a few dumbbell exercises at home, and I think it's safe to say that my capabilities are significantly diminished from lack of regular practise. It seems like the sort of fallback that would be fairly easy to make up if I wanted to put the time and effort in though, so I'm not too worried. At this point it seems unlikely that I'll have the time and energy to get back into the gym seriously until after my current contract finishes - predictably, getting up at half seven and commuting for an hour has hit me hard after a year or two of getting up whenever I felt like it (usually late morning) and strolling from bedroom to living room once I was ready to start work. Combine that with my hand still being a bit painful from whatever happened to it in the riot incident, and I'm not in a hurry to start working out daily again.
My weight-loss continues despite the lack of exercise, but at a more sensible pace recently. I put on 1.5kg when I went to Rye for a few days last weekend and pigged out on chips etc, that came back off over the few days after I got home again, and since then I've only lost a small amount extra. This weekend was my birthday, which featured some tasty food and treats, and a lot of (the best kind of) exercise, which probably balanced each other out to some extent :)
In general I'm feeling quite a bit better emotionally - the weekend was good for the bits of my psyche that have taken a kicking lately - and this may at least partially (or significantly) account for the fact that I actually started this post to document; I'm feeling fairly good about how I look.
My weight is starting to get close to my original goal of 66kg (it's currently hovering around 67kg, bit lower this morning, bit higher right now). I had been wondering whether, as mentioned in my previous post, this might turn out to be inadequate as a goal given my main target of 'looking better' which mainly means 'having a less protruding belly' (more of a body-fat issue than an overall weight issue). As it turns out though, I've caught sight of myself in mirrors a few times lately and thought "I'm actually starting to look about right" - so that's encouraging. Still room for improvement of course - a bit more muscle and a bit less fat wouldn't hurt - but it's nice to know that the original goals of 'about average' do seem to be sufficient to make me feel that I look 'good enough' for now.
At this point I'm not sure if I'll keep pressing on once I reach the target weight (and/or fat level), or just try to hold there, as I'm not sure how my motivation will shift once I hit the target. It may be that hitting the target during this contract (which seems entirely possible) will lead to me going 'oh fuck it' and not starting up the exercise again. On the other hand, maybe I'll do some personal training once I finish the contract and have some money, and set myself some new targets. Can't really guess how I'll feel about it yet. Either way, I'd say it's been a fairly successful few months... I'm glad I put the effort in when I did.
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