Invitation to a Twilight Role Play Community

Apr 15, 2010 00:00

Hey girls! I don't know who of you would like to participate on a Twilight Role Play community, but I am extending this invitation to all of you who wants to join us ;) If you are interested, just visit the links provided on the information above.


An ongoing role play needs some new characters. To see where we are right now, go to our synopsis post.

All the information you need about the community - rules, application and needed characters is in THIS post.
OOC community - neverforgettooc

Never Forget RP

"(..) I had some serious problems.
My best friend counted me with his enemies.
Victoria was still on the loose, putting everyone I loved in danger.
If I didn`t become a vampire soon, the Volturi would kill me.
And now it seemed that if I did, the Quileute werewolves would try to do the job themselves - along with trying to kill my future family. I didn`t think they had any chance really, but would my best friend get himself killed in the attempt?
Very serious problems. So why did they all suddenly seem insignificant when we broke through the last of the trees and I caught sight of the expression on Charlie`s purple face?
Edward squeezed me gently. "I`m here."
I drew in a deep breath.
That was true. Edward was here, with his arms around me.
I could face anything as long as that was true.
I squared my shoulders and walked forward to meet my fate, with my destiny solidly at my side."


Bella is at a crossroad and it would take only a little nudge in the wrong direction for her life to come crashing down. She is so close to spending an eternity with Edward, but her path is covered in obstacles. What does she have to do to make things fall into their places? How to save everyone?
An eclipse is coming.
Once everything falls into a soothing darkness, will it be that much more harder to get the right answers?

role play, promotion, twilight

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