Sep 11, 2007 00:08
i really need to go to sleep
but i just wanted to do this.
first day of school.
and it feels like i never stopped doing it. drove the same route to the same parking spot. locked my keys in my car. took the same train to the same spot. saw the same people in the same classroom with the same teachers. ate the same food, drank the same coffee.
less depressing note.
saw a woman trip on the unforgiving streets of boston. dropped her purse, plastic bag, broke her glasses, road rash right underneath her left eye. i was smoking a cigarette talking to my good friend Phillip and this other kid I remembered from last semester and we all immediately ran to her and helped her out. we picked up her shit, helped her up, walked her to the bathrooms in our school building that she tripped right in front of. we kept asking if she was alright, if she wanted a band-aid, all that stuff. she was very polite but what the real surprise was was how surprised she was that we reacted the way we did and helped her out. turns out she was from New York where they probably would have killed, robbed, and raped her for tripping on the street. the last bit was my own interpretation, but she was from New York.
also, i might be in a Dane Cook/Kate Hudson movie, i was walking to Dunkin Donuts and there was this crowd of people across the street from what appeared to be a wedding, but apparently it was a movie shoot because this guy started walking with me and just whispered "keep moving, don't stop, you're in the shot just keep moving and don't look" to which i replied "i just want a breakfast sandwich, i don't want to be in a movie" and he said "ok go get your breakfast sandwich." i wish i saw Dane Cook to explain to him how he's not funny, and yelling every joke that has a punchline "punch in the face" isn't a comedy style, but all i got were extras wearing suits and dresses, but i saw one of the stoner/surfer dudes from that movie Orange County except i couldn't think of that when he walked by me so i just said loud enough for him to hear me and see me pointing at him "oh i know him, he looks very familiar, he's definitely from something." i'm such an ass. i was talking to my friend who walked into Dunkin Donuts as i was walking out. we talked for a long time about books and stuff, he said one of his roommates in his apartment in Allston is leaving in December. I'm going to start looking for jobs in/around the city.
more depressing note.
waking up at 8am
leaving house at 10am
arriving at school around 11:30am
meeting with my advisor to switch a class
which means i don't have to go to my 1:40pm class because i just switched out of it.
class at 3:05pm - 4:10pm
getting back home around 5:40pm
working 6pm - 11pm
lets see how quickly Dunkin Donuts can remember my order, Supreme Omelette with Cheese (NO MEAT) on whatever they have available that tickles my fancy at that particular time, Medium Frech Vanilla Iced Coffee (Regular).
i need an mp3 player and a laptop. what's up Mac?
i'm going to canada for 4 nights in the beginning of October to celebrate my 20th birthday, Columbus Day, Canadian Thanksgiving, and the drinking age of 18. i'll probably spend damn close to $600 on this trip because i don't want to be able to communicate. not a good idea but it needs to be done.
All Are Welcome.