I have no great abilities at "daily regularity" of tasks, really.
I can run for a time, getting up in the morning, meditating, reading a particular lectionary, journaling, all those good things people do to set
some order to their day
I get started with good intentions, but eventually "peter out".(Unlike Pete who never does... with his damn 10 years of daily photos...jeesh!)
Today begins a largely ignored period of preparation for Christmas, for the birth of the Christ Child, in the Christian Year. It is, in fact, the Christian
New Year. The yearly observances of the church begin again today.
For no particular reason, except to have some kind of discipline for this season, I want to post a daily photograph from my vast supply of photos I have taken,
They are my repository of good intentions. Things I have made, liked, intended to do SOMEthing some day.
So now I intend to set this task for myself for these 24 days to come.
So now I have told you of my intention, so I might have the incentive of shame, if I quit my daily task
Seems easy enough. Surely I can do a little thing like that, right?
Well, you've said that before, Denny-boy!
So we will be interested to see how it goes.
Number 1 is 4 houses- 4 Sundays in Advent- something about that? I have no idea why really! Just that it/they caught my eye, and it was in the gathering gloom of evening
which comes on to us so early at this time of year.